The MDM Process

The traditional divorce process is one that requires lots of time, stress, money, and outside help. Maryland Divorce Mediators has developed a collaborative divorce and mediation process with the mission to resolve divorce matters out of court, saving couples time, stress, and, of course, tens of thousands of dollars. We are looking for business partners who share in this mission to offer what’s best for our mutual clients.

Through our collaborative divorce process, our certified mediators work with the couple and their trusted advisors by helping them find an acceptable middle ground as they divide everything from retirement accounts, insurance coverage, child custody, and everything in between. We start by identifying where couples actually need our valuable resources, rather than pouring gasoline on the fire and charging them for unproductive legal services.   With this thoughtful approach, our full-service collaborative divorce and mediation process saves couples tens of thousands of dollars on average that would otherwise be paid in attorneys fees to pursue unnecessary court proceedings. 

Each divorce case is unique, but almost every case can — and should — be resolved out of court.  While a ‘win’ for a divorce attorney may be a lengthy court battle, our victories are getting to a resolution quickly, without a lot of drama, and with a lot of savings.   We partner with outside professionals to best serve our clients including:

  • Mortgage and real estate professionals to assist in dividing home equity;
  • Wealth Managers and Financial Advisors to assist in creating financial plans during the divorce process and post-divorce.
  • Accountants and business professionals for tax help and structuring business affairs.
  • Insurance agents and brokers to assist with dividing lines of insurance or obtaining key man, disability, or life insurance.
  • Marriage and Family Counselors to help with our clients and their children’s mental health needs.

We look forward to working with you!